Cornhole Accessories: What You Need for the Perfect Setup

Cornhole—it’s more than just a backyard game; it’s a passion, a lifestyle, a Friday night beacon of fun. You probably see people play it regularly at tailgates, BBQs, and on hot summer days. However, it’s likely you’re not just some casual player if you’re reading this. You’re aiming for greatness. You’re ready to take your game to a whole new level! Pull up a chair and settle in as we chat about all the cornhole accessories you need for the perfect setup, making yours the envy of the neighborhood.
Carrying Case
Starting strong with something every cornhole warrior needs: a carrying case. Having a sturdy carrying case will keep your boards safe and make transportation a breeze, whether you’re heading to a friend’s house or a local tournament.
Now, don’t go thinking just any old cover will do. You need one that’s durable, weather-resistant, and sleek. Think of it as the fashionable jacket for your cornhole boards. Some even come with extra pockets for storing bags. You don’t want your boards suffering road rash as you transport them from point A to point B. Treat them well, and they’ll return the favor.
Look for cases with padded interiors if you’re extra meticulous. The padding will prevent any dings and dents that could occur if you bump into something during transport. Your boards only deserve the best, after all.
Extra Bags

It’s no secret that over the years, bags will get lost or wear out. It’s inevitable. That’s why stocking up on extra bags is key. Have you ever seen someone go into panic mode when they realize they’re missing a bag? It’s not pretty. Having a set or two on standby ensures you’re always ready to throw down, and it doesn’t hurt to have options. Maybe one color matches your mood or suits a particular theme for the day.
Outside of color, your extra bags could be different weights. Therefore, you can have lighter bags on hand when the kids want to play and professionally weighted ones for when it’s the adults’ turn to throw down.
Bag Organizer Pouch
Nobody likes digging through a bag or flinging things around just to find the exact set of cornhole bags they’re looking for. That’s where a bag organizer pouch comes into play. It’s like a BFF for your extras, ensuring everything’s neatly in place and ready for action.
These organizers aren’t just random pouches. They come with many compartments, and some even have mesh pockets for ventilation. It’s time to make peace with a proper organizer if you’ve been lugging your bags around and finding them all over your trunk.
Also, be sure to find one that’s easy to grip or has adjustable straps. These types of pouches will make transporting your bags much easier. Bonus points if it’s got enough room to toss in some snacks or a drink because nothing goes better together than a perfect game and a delicious snack.
You better keep track of the score if you want to have bragging rights at your next party! A scoreboard is essential for keeping things official and preventing any heated debates over scores. Because there’s no room for, “Well, I thought we were winning?” talk in cornhole.
Having something that tracks scores adds a layer of seriousness to the game, whether digital or old-school manual. Besides, who doesn’t love the feeling of watching your points go up, knowing you’re inching closer to victory?
Look for scoreboards that are lightweight and easy to mount. Some even come with drink holders. Who doesn’t love a convenient place to put their refreshment? It’s a slick, convenient accessory that ensures your hands stay in top form for those precision tosses.
Additional Lighting
Daytime cornhole is great, but nighttime sessions? Magical. The problem is those board shadows swallow your perfectly aimed throw. Enter additional lighting. You’ll need to buy some lighting fixtures that surround your cornhole setup. Fortunately, plenty of options are perfect for illuminating your play space. LED bulbs are most popular for their energy efficiency and longevity. Plus, they offer a supernatural yet flattering glow for evening play.
However, some boards come with lights that you can install around their perimeter, giving them dramatic flair. Not only do lights add a whimsical touch to your game, but they’ll also ensure that not a single toss goes amiss.
Pitch Pads
Ever see those players nail a cornhole toss, and you just know they’ve practiced more than a dozen times that day? Guess what their secret is? Pitch pads. While this cornhole accessory might seem unnecessary, they create a more consistent playing surface, giving you what you need for the perfect setup no matter where you are. Plus, they help you grip the ground, ensuring no unwanted slips or slides mess up your stride.
Pitch pads are your secret weapon if you’re looking for unwavering confidence in every move. Plus, they offer a great cushion for your knees if you’re going hard at it for hours. Nothing says dedication like well-padded knees.
Airmail Box
While we’re on the topic of serious cornhole play, we must mention airmail boxes. This tool may not be useful during a game, but it’s a great way to step your game up. That’s because it’s a training item that helps you improve your aim. The airmail box removes most of the board and just gives you the hole to shoot for, challenging you to refine your aim for that glorious nothing-but-net shot. Once you ace using this tool, those tricky high-stakes games will seem like a walk in the park.
There’s a unique satisfaction in the “whoosh” of a perfect toss, and airmail boxes bring the perfect amount of challenge and thrill to your cornhole practice. Get ready for some serious bragging rights among your fellow cornhole lovers.
Cornhole Gloves
Of course, you can take your game even further. Ever noticed how some players have the smoothest throws you’ve ever seen? Most likely, they’re using cornhole gloves, ensuring nothing slips from their grip. Cornhole gloves offer optimal comfort and consistency with every toss. They help with grip, reduce fatigue, and keep those tosses consistent, game after game, even when sweat or rain might strike.
Find gloves that are moisture-wicking and machine-washable for the best gloved experience. Be sure to find a set in your style since they come in various colors and designs, letting you show off a little pizzazz while upping your game.
Board Customization Decals

No two players are alike, and no cornhole board should be either! Board customization decals bring your unique personality to life, transforming plain boards into killer statement pieces. Decals can range from personalized names to intricate designs that capture your love for cornhole, sports, or your favorite movie franchise. Anything goes!
However, you should start with a board that comes with the custom designs already printed on if you worry that these decals might mess up the feel of your board. That way, you can play in style without sacrificing your game. Slick Woody’s custom boards are just for you if a custom board is what you’re looking for, whether you want a set of flag cornhole boards or something a little more personal. Our vast selection of designed cornhole boards won’t disappoint.