How to Play Cornhole: Official Sizes, Rules and Regulations

Cornhole is “a lawn game in which players take turns throwing bags of corn (or bean bags) at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. A bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a team or player reaches (or exceeds) the score of 21.”
This is the official definition of the game according to Wikipedia. It is a very simple definition and only scratches the surface when it comes to how the game is officially played. If you’re looking to begin with the official rules and regulations when you’re playing in your backyard, bar or restaurant, or any other venue, be sure that you’re up-to-date with the standards in the industry.
In this article, we will be talking about the official rules and regulations when it comes to your cornhole boards, bags, and gameplay referring to the standards set by the ACL (American Cornhole League.)
Regulation Cornhole Boards
When it comes to the top of a cornhole board, it is stated that the size dimensions should consist of a hardwood or plywood playing surface, measuring 47.5” to 48” x 23.5” to 24”. The tops of cornhole boards should be somewhere in between ½” to ¾” in thickness.
As far as the regulation weight of cornhole boards go, each board should weigh no less than 25 lbs. The diameter of the hole on the board should be 6” and centered 9” from the top of the board, as well as centered from each side edge. The hole should be routed and smooth so it does not tear or rip bags as they slide into it.
The front of the cornhole board should be 3” to 4” from the ground surface, whereas the back of the board should be close to 12” from the ground. Playing surfaces should be finished and sanded to a nice, smooth texture. There should be little to no blemishes in the wood or surface that may disrupt or distort gameplay.
If you choose to coat your board with a paint or varnish, make sure the board is not too slick where the bags are sliding back down the board. Feel free to check out this article or watch the video below to see how to finish a cornhole board with poly products.
Regulation Cornhole Bags
For regulation cornhole tournaments, cornhole bags should measure 6" x 6" when laid flat with an accepted tolerance of 5.75" – 6.25." Bags should weigh 16 ounces with an accepted tolerance between 15.5 ounces and 16.25 ounces. Weight of cornhole bags is subject to change when you consider factors like bags breaking down over time and effects from weather.
Thickness of regulation cornhole bags should measure around 1.25” with an accepted tolerance of 1.125" to 1.5”. The outside material of a bag can be made of anything that does not leave a residue or damage the cornhole board.
Often times you will see duck cloth, microfiber suede, cotton twill, and other similar materials used when purchasing a set of cornhole bags.
Regulation cornhole bags that are used in tournaments should only contain plastic resin. No corn or other materials are used when playing by true regulation standards. Plastic resin is the only acceptable substance for fill in tournaments and other materials will not pass inspection.
Official Rules of Gameplay
Official rules and regulations for the game of cornhole are not very different from what you might be accustomed to when compared to regular backyard cornhole games. All games are started with a coin toss to decide who goes first and who gets which side. A bag that lands on the board is worth one point, and a bag in the hole is worth three points.
One of the main differences in gameplay is the fact that you can go over the score of 21. Many backyard games penalize a player for going over a score of 21. The reason being is the idea that games go much faster for tournaments when you are not penalized for going over.
Any bags that hit the ground prior to landing on the board do not count. Bags that are hanging inside of the hole are only worth one point. At the end of each round, players count up points by using the cancellation technique. All bags on the board and in the hole cancel each other out and the difference is added to the score of the winning team.
Players may not step past the front of the board when throwing, and any bag that was thrown during foul is removed from that round. When playing singles, both players will stand at the same board until all throws have been completed. Players will then walk down to other board to throw the next round, while throwing on the opposite side of board as before.
In doubles, partners stand on the opposite side from each other. This means that one player from Team A will throw from the right side of the board on one end and the partner will be throwing from the left side of the board on the other end.
Understanding the official rules and regulations when it comes to the game of cornhole can be a great thing to know. With cornhole being such a popular and growing game, you can expect to find yourself drawing from this knowledge sometime in the future. Cornhole is a very simple game that can be picked up by almost anyone.
These rules and regulations serve as a basic guideline for how many tournaments are ran. Many times the way the game of cornhole is played when it comes to backyard games and social settings can differ from official tournament rules. Regardless of how you are playing, the most important thing is to have fun, enjoy yourself, and toss some bags!
Grab a quality set of cornhole boards so you can start playing.