How to Win at Cornhole

Lots of people play cornhole just for fun, but isn’t it more fun to win? Just kidding … sort of. If you want to have fun and beat everyone at cornhole in the process, this article is for you.
Cornhole Playing Technique
Throw the bag in the hole.
Cornhole is a deceivingly simple game. Once you learn the best way to throw the bag, how to block your opponent and other tricks the pros know, you’ll find it’s a little more complex (and more fun)!
If you want to learn how to win at cornhole, start here.
We love to play cornhole at Slick Woody’s (that should be no surprise), so we’re sharing our top tips for winning at cornhole. These are the basics, really, but many people play the game regularly without knowing any cornhole technique at all.
Let’s get better at playing cornhole, shall we?
Best Cornhole Playing Tips
Use a regulation cornhole bag.
Using regulation bags are ideal for proper cornhole throwing technique and for leveling the playing field.
Regulation cornhole bags meet the American Cornhole Association® standards. The size of a regulation cornhole bag is six inches by six inches and filled with one pound of corn or resin pellets. Regulation cornhole boards are four feet by two feet.
Slick Woody only sells regulation cornhole bags, in a number of options: corn-filled bags, resin-filled bags and all-weather bags. You’ll even find light-up bags for after dark.
Develop your stance.
There are no hard and fast rules about the best cornhole throwing stance. Even pros have different stances, so practice finding the one that works best for you.
The rules state that your feet cannot extend past the front of the board next to you when throwing your cornhole bag. Some players find keeping both feet planted works best, while others throw a cornhole bag with one foot extended.
Grip the cornhole bag correctly.
You should have your thumb on top of the bag, with the other four fingers under it. Make sure the cornhole bag filling is distributed evenly. This will help the bag fly better once you release it.
Learn how to throw a cornhole bag like a pro.
Correct cornhole bag throwing is underhand, with an arc in the toss. You don’t want the arc to be too high or too low, so practice makes perfect.
Throw with your arm straight and add a rotation at the end. You want your bag to fly in a flat spin, not end over end. Your arm should be straight as you toss the bag with your palm facing up.
Don’t throw too hard!
If your cornhole bag hits the board too fast, it will slide right off. Many people throw bags with too much force. This won’t help you get it in the hole.
Aim for the center of the cornhole board.
Don’t aim for the hole, unless you are doing an airmail shot (see cornhole strategy tips below). Otherwise, the bag will slide when it hits the board – ideally, into the hole.
Simple Cornhole Strategy
A little bit of strategy is helpful if you want to learn how to win in cornhole. Here are some quick tips.
Try blocking.
If you want to stop your opponent from hitting the hole, drop your bag right in front of the hole, blocking their next shot.
For this technique, it helps to understand how cornhole bags with different materials work.
Reynolds Pro X bags feels great in your hand and requires little break-in. They come with a carpet side, made of a secret material, for medium slide ability and an excel side for fast sliding ability.
Our Slick Woody’s Reynold Pro Touch Bags have a suede side for slow sliding and a polyester side for fast sliding. You can use whichever side works best for your strategy!
Learn how to airmail a cornhole bag.
What is an airmail cornhole shot? When you need to avoid a bag on the board, the best shot is an airmail, where you send the bag straight into the hole without touching the board.
This is a shot you can practice to pull out at just the right moment! Check out our Slick Woody’s blog and videos that show you how to master the airmail shot and others.
Up Your Game with Quality Boards
Once you know the tricks and tips to better cornhole playing, you’ll notice the difference. If you want a copy of the official rules of cornhole, we have them.
Slick Woody’s has the best cornhole boards in the business. Upgrade your cornhole playing knowledge, and then have the optimal playing experience! See our full line of boards and bags.